Saturday, November 27, 2010

When a puppy goes to Heaven...

"Sometimes Nature play such bad games with us" and our very first litter of puppies had to be the one... Our darling ZsaZsa had complications with her pregnancy just right before Thanksgiving's Day. She was rush to the Vet, the X-Ray show up only one kind of big puppy, c-section was the first alternative but the puppy's live wasn't guaranty.
It was a successful operation, ZsaZsa and her Puppy seem to be fine, we drive kind of far for all of this, so in the way back I was holding little puppy on my hands to keep her warm. It was a precious little one!
Sadly a couple hours late cute little puppy died.
Now, we are not just breeding for money we really care for our babies and it was sad to let this one go.
Also we read and heard from other breeders that is kind of hard to breed yorkies... now we know. Still, we stand for this breed the Yorkshire Terriers are excellent little doggies.
So far ZsaZsa is having a great recovery, the vet said she still will be able to breed still it will take us a long time to think about it but for sure we'll have to find her a smaller male.

Now our next Mom is "Pia" she is pretty big 5 1/2lb. She is due for January 2011 we hope she won't have any problem at all and we'll be waiting  anxiously to see and hold little baby Yorkies for the very first time!

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